Medical insurance does not provide criteria to explain how approvals work. How to make sure I get approved?
For alternative therapies and medical treatments like psychotherapy, physiotherapy, acunpuncture etc. my medical insurance need to approve the treatment beforehand.
Ir asks for the doctor to send a recommendation to the treatment and a filled form that informs the date of the initial symtoms and date of the first medical appointment.
A member of my family has extreme anxiety and we recommended him/her for treatment to a psychiatrist. He/she was approved by the inaurance policy in April, he alleged initial symtoms in May and the first appointment happened in June. Our family consultor said the insurance will most likely not approved treatment because it can be alleged as previous consitions not mentioned (it wasn’t).
But since they do not have a specific criteria or specified grace period for specific treatments, how can we guaranttee that the insurance will approve the treatment?
submitted by /u/Whiskey_ColdPunch