So bit long and English isn’t my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes. So my husband have his own business and I’m sahm with two kids. Now we have private insurance (regance) and didn’t have any problems or until now. Kids were on Medicaid but since husband earned more kids couldn’t be on Medicaid anymore so we put them on our insurance. When I talked with our agent he told me how much monthly payment would be and it was taking from credit card.And that was all fine until yesterday I opened mail from insurance informing me about changes in policy and they fix that and send us new cards and new bill for $1200 and they already took that. Now I was surprised and livid because no one called to make any changes. So I called insurance asked them what is happening I didn’t called to make any changes and how much money they took. They told me health market place made those changes because there was supsidy (?) for June and there was none for July. And I should call my agent to see what is this about. I called agent but he is out of office and called his secretary left voicemail but she never called back and he texted me back saying he will look at it when he gets on computer (but nothing till 20th). Now my question is can I request that money back since it was taken without my permission ? Thank you!

submitted by /u/lulupie1234

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