So, here’s the deal. My doctor prescribed me a particular medication. The insane out of pocket with no insurance is almost $800 a month. For over 10 years my insurance, Anthem, has covered it with a $30 copay. Every 6 months they would send my doctor a prior authorization form. His staff would fill it out and fax it back. No problem. But this January they declined it. Not a suitable treatment. And there is no real alternative to this particular medication. The doctor personally took 5 tries at reworking the PA. All rejected. He literally told me that they are idiots and he’s done fucking with them. My pharmacist played around with it and finally submitted it to Good RX. Ping. They covered it and left me with a $27 co-pay for a 30 day supply. While I realize that I’m basically selling my personal information to them, I do a Snoopydance every time I get a refill. Obviously the posted “list price” is grossly inflated. But even factoring that in Good RX is paying a significant amount to cover this. My primary question is, how long should I expect the drug fairy to keep covering this medication? My other question is how much is my personal information worth to them? What they have is fairly basic. Also, my health insurance is something negotiated by my Union. Other than this hiccup the coverage is just stellar. So changing insurance is not really an option. Anyone know the internal workings of Good RX?

Need some reassurance here.

Many thanks!

submitted by /u/Severe_Space5830

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