Received notification from UHC appeals for claims from 3 years ago were filed for ER services at in network facility with an out of network dr on duty

I recently received two appeal letters that I was cc’d on from my health insurance company (one was addressed to an emergency room dr and the other to Envision). One is for a date of service of July 21, 2021 and the other for October 31, 2021. In both instances UHC explained to me that the reason for the appeals is that even though I went to an in network hospital,the ER dr on duty was out of network. I know the no surprise act went into effect on January 1, 2022 so i feel at best what Envision and the dr are attempting to do is highly unethical. I’m not sure what to do…both appeals require my signature (the authorized rep designation forms that providers need you to sign in order for an appeal to be processed my the insurance company). I signed them both and put them in my mailbox this morning but just went and pulled them because I wanted to get further information first. Something just isn’t sitting right. I know I don’t have to sign those documents but what happens if I don’t? Can I set myself up for receiving huge bills from the hospital and the dr? Or my bigger fear is that they will just send me to collections. Any insight is greatly appreciated. I’m in New York State if that makes a difference. Thanks all!

submitted by /u/Due_Chemist_6086

See also  Healthfirst NY Exchange. WTF