Ambetter experiences in AZ? First time mom

Hi all! I, 24yf, am a local travel nurse. I take on contracts to help staffing in Arizona, It makes great money but no benefits at all. I was on my husbands insurance but it was so incredibly expensive with little coverage so I told him I would get one with the open enrollment that was going on last December… I landed with ambetter at 395/mo (pricy I know but again I’ll take it to be insured) and it’s the elite gold plan. I was paying about 250/ month for myself when I was staff as a nurse so I didn’t think it was bad. So far I haven’t had much issues! I went to pcp, obgyn, dermatology it isn’t too bad.

Now. I unexpectedly am pregnant! I just found out and were so happy but now I’m dreading all the doctors visits and delivery as well as the dreaded possible c section. I have my max OOP $5000. The hospital I want to deliver at is in network. Prenatal and postnatal check ups are $5 co pay. My question is- anyone expecting moms have experience with ambetter? Preferably good ones… but I know no insurance company is perfect. I’m not due to deliver until Febuary of next year so if I don’t want to renew this insurance I could shop for another one. But so far I haven’t had any issues.

submitted by /u/Ambitious_Bad7575

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