Life insurance paid wrong person

Hi – looking for clarity on this situation.

A sick family member of mine recently passed. Before death changed beneficiary on life insurance from their ex partner (never married) to another family member. Insurance agent sent forms over to the insurance company and we have confirmation of receipt.

Sick family member does pass soon after and other family member starts process for life insurance to find out that insurance has paid out the prior beneficiary. They claim they sent a letter saying the form wasn’t legible? They sent this information to deceased family members home weeks after the beneficiary paperwork was sent in. Deceased family member was still living with ex partner at time of death, so we assume this mail was thrown away.

We have all the beneficiary paperwork that is legible and clear as day with multiple witnesses. This family member did not want this money going to their ex partner. We have emails confirming all of the paperwork with the insurance agent and company.

Is there any precedent for life insurance companies paying the wrong person? Do they ever fix their mistakes, or does this seem like a situation we may have to hire a lawyer for.

submitted by /u/OneLeader1598

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