Hey guys

I need help on choosing my plan. It’s just my partner and I. So everything I’m mentioning is including both of us. We’re both 26 years old living in California.

I have a few that I’d like such as:

IEHP 37.57 monthly Primary care visit $15 0% deductible Estimated total cost $845 yearly Out of pocket maximum $3000/ year(individual | $6000/ year (family)

Kaiser $153 monthly Primary care visits $15 0% deductible Estimates total cost $2,231 yearly Out of pocket maximum same as IEHP

Kaiser $27 monthly Primary care $60 copay with deductible Yearly deductible 6,300/ year(medical) $500(drug) Estimated total cost 1,677.43 yearly

Kaiser $0.59 monthly Primary care visits 0.00% coinsurance after deductible Yearly deductible $7,050 Estimated total Costco 2,475 yearly Out of pocket maximum 7,000/ year (individual) | 14,100/year (family)

I know the cheapest one sounds pretty bad, but just want some input! Thank you!

submitted by /u/Throwquestionsaway22

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