Will my insurance flag me if I fill two different adderall prescriptions within the same month?

My doctor gives me written prescriptions for 30 days worth of my Adderall and can only give me 3 months of prescriptions at a time. Due to the Adderall shortage, I was unable to fill my June prescription the entire month until yesterday (the day my June prescription expired) I finally found a pharmacy that had some in stock. They called me today and said they actually only have 13 pills to give me versus the 30. I told them to just fill it anyway because I've already gone an entire month without my meds and I'll take what I can get. HOWEVER, I still have my July prescription which is active starting today. If I happen to find a different pharmacy that is able to fill my July prescription, would my insurance company be suspicious if I'm filling two different prescriptions for my Adderall within the same month? If so, I won't pick up from the pharmacy that could only give me the 13 pills and look for a pharmacy that can fill my full 30 days for July. Also not sure if this is something any of you would know or if I should just contact my insurance company and ask them directly? Thanks!

submitted by /u/horrorbxtch

See also  “It’s the evidence, stupid”