Is it a red flag to be lowered an offered rate due to normal bloodwork being “out of range” for life insurance?

So it’s been over 3 months at this point with the underwriting for this good life insurance company. They finally offered my husband his policy and he was able to get Preferred Plus (even though we both applied for Preferred.)

They are still working on mine and I got a letter saying they are offering me a tier lower (Standard Plus) than what I applied for (Preferred) simply because my ALT level came back “low.”

Now I checked my blood work results and it’s green so it’s normal but the underwriting team’s response was “we have different ranges compared to the lab”.

I have no past or present medical issues with my liver (what the ALT level is based on) and I feel it’s a rather BS claim to be making to move me one tier lower and raise my premiums.

I’m so annoyed since I’m a perfectly healthy adult and it’s been over 4 months from starting this process. Ugh, what do I do? Is there anyway I can change their mind? Or talk to someone? I feel this is unfair.

submitted by /u/Sakura_Blossom31

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