I’ve always been covered under my wife’s insurance plan as it’s always been better than my employer’s option. We pay a fee each year for me to stay on hers, even though I could have my own, and it’s always been a better value to do it this way.

My new employer offers a High Deductible Aetna plan that qualifies for an HSA(0$ premium for single coverage). I want to enroll in it strictly for the HSA and continue to stay on my wife’s plan.

Wife’s plan admin said that if I do this, my HDP plan will be primary and wife’s plan will become secondary, for me. (No impact on wife’s coverage)

How would I go about figuring out what the coordination of benefits will look like in this arrangement? If I have to meet my plans deduct before being able to use wife’s plan, this becomes a bad option. If instead, I can continue to get basically the same coverage from wife’s plan, but benefit by having the HSA, this becomes a good plan. But no one I have spoken with on either side can tell me.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/UtopianFir

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