Was given misinformation and because ineligible for the lower cost lower oop plan

I have a plan through my job, and to keep the low cost plan everyone has to complete their physical once a year. I called to check on this because they required the physical to be completed 1 month before the plan year ended. I had my last physical and well woman’s the month between the deadline and the start of the new plan. I called out to ask when I could get these done again because I got a reminder email for everyone to do their physical/well woman’s. Representative told me I have to wait the full year. So if it was done on the 1st the previous year I was eligible to get it done again on the 2nd. I assumed last years would count because of this.

Get an email telling me I’m no longer eligible because I didn’t complete a physical or well Woman’s. Apparently the info I was given was incorrect and I was eligible for the next visit after 11 months. I’ve been calling the plan for 3 weeks now. No one will get me a supervisor or a supervisor call back, but I keep being promised that a supervisor will pull and review the call where I was given misinformation. It’s always 24/48 hours. No one is responding now. The cost of my plan is more than doubled. My deductible is doubled. I also no longer get my $2000 HSA. I see my PCP every 2 months for med and symptom checks due to a health condition. I’ve seen an endo twice in the past year. I had a visit with my OBGYN 2 weeks before the deadline that I had them just bill regular so I wouldn’t get denied. It’s not like I haven’t visited the doctor and completed physicals for all my dependents too. The change in plan also affects my child getting care for a health condition. Plan has a deductible, but the HSA covers it. My child’s therapy requires a deductible to be met. What was a 2k deductible covered by the HSA is now a 4K deductible I will need to pay OOP. I work for the health insurance company btw. They insure us under one of their plans. I’m getting nowhere with mm services or HR. Is there somewhere I can report them because their misinformation is now restricting my ability to access care for my child among other things.

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submitted by /u/No-Variation-3950