I fell off the roof and got 2 compression fractures. Day of the accident wife drove me to hospital, got admitted had an MRI of head and back then transferred to a different hospital by ambulance where I spent a long time in the emergency department. Day 2 I got moved to a room, fitted for a brace had an X-ray to make sure it was doing it's job. Day 3 saw the Dr, some physical therapists and stuff and released.

I got a letter saying that my inpatient stay isn't going to be covered because I was stable and didn't need to be admitted. I don't quite understand because I couldn't get out of bed until basically EOD on day 2 and day 3 was when I was actually allowed to leave. Called around and the billing department was saying they were notified it was denied and that is under review.

My wife is freaking out saying we will need to sell the house because we won't be able to afford it because it'll be 10's of thousands of dollars. From what I've read insurance company's deny claims all the time that are actually legitimate. They just need the hospital to prove that I needed to stay which I can't imagine me not needing it.

submitted by /u/thebakerWeld

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