What are the marijuana-friendly agencies that operate in NY state?

I submitted in an insurance application that I am a light user of edibles (about 3x per month) and my rate went from $43 per month to $80 per month… I know that doesn't reflect the actual risk that my use presents, and since then I have decided to give up marijuana because it's not worth an extra $500 per year for me to drop a 5mg gummy every other weekend.

So I filled out an application at another agency and the question was, "Have you used marijuana, cocaine, barbituates… in the past 10 years?" I called the insurance agent and explained that I already submitted an application with another company, and he very reluctantly said I should answer honestly because my information is probably already in the MIB and getting caught lying and getting denied coverage is much more difficult to get out from under than admitting to marijuana use.

Since then I've been looking up information about what other agencies I should try that won't blow my quote out of the water even though I haven't used in a few months and don't intend to in the future. There seem to be a lot of people saying "Just go with a marijuana friendly agency, mine didn't care because I used it less than 4x per month" etc. But (with the exception of Pacific Life, which doesn't operate in NY state) nobody mentions the name of their agency… Just that they exist and I should find one.

So with all that said, can someone actually tell me which agencies are friendly to very low use / recently quit users? I really haven't used in a while, I'm sure that my blood and urine results would be clean so I have no hesitation re-doing those tests.

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Also, side rant, one of the agencies didn't even ask if I use alcohol. I could be filling out the application waist-deep in empty vodka bottles and they would never know it, but they jack up the rate as high as possible because of a very occasional legal gummy…. Ridiculous.

submitted by /u/IchBinBorracho