Options for a surprise $900 blood work bill denied by insurance

A little over 6 months ago I saw a doctor who drew some blood and sent it to a lab (Quest Diagnostics) to do allergy tests. One of the allergy tests was not covered by my insurance because it was experimental. To summarize
1. I was not aware I was being tested for an allergy for this food, just "the common allergies"
2. I was not aware the test would not be covered by insurance
3. I was not aware the test was part of the blood work, I thought it would be done another day (and I do have evidence of me asking in the online portal where I should go for the allergy testing after the appointment but before receiving a bill)

I received a ~$900 bill from the lab for the test as the insurance company will not pay. I did a coding review and eventually sent an appeal to my insurance company which was just denied (they lost the first two appeals I sent, the process has been very slow). I do have the option to appeal the appeal which is the next step but I want to know my other options.

I am in NYC which has a Surprise Billing law. It's not clear to me if this situation is covered since the lab isn't out of network. I'm also not sure who would even be at fault, the doctor who ordered the test or the lab who charged me for it.
Is it possible/likely to get Quest Diagnostics to reduce the bill? I doubt I qualify for financial assistance, but a $900 bill still isn't nothing.
Is this the kind of thing I would take to small claims court? It seems a little extreme but after over 6 months of time I've put into fighting this bill, I do kind of want to see this through. Would my claim be against the doctor or the lab? Would I have any chance at all at winning that? Would there be consequences like other doctors not being willing to see me?

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Thanks in advance. I felt like I knew how to handle it up to this point but I'm hitting the limits of what options I know about.

submitted by /u/rilakkuma1