Do health insurance companies have to honor their mistakes?

called the number on the back of my insurance card to ask if a lab was covered. The rep told me yes. I made her repeat it multiple times over the phone. This is all on a recorded call that I know the date and time of. Sure enough, I still received a bill for the tests. I filed an appeal. Insurance denied, and they refused to listen to the recorded call because the service performed was a lab.

I’ve learned my lesson, I’ll get it in writing next time. But as far as for now, is there anything I can do about this? I received a letter of necessity from my provider and attached it to the appeal as recommended by another rep. Still waiting to hear back but not feeling hopeful. They keep sending me in a loop filing appeals on their website just to deny them.

Would never have gotten this test done had they not told me it was completely covered. It’s expensive and times are tough. Is this allowed? Do they have any legal obligation to honor their mistake?

submitted by /u/TheFummestChum

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