Health Insurance Open Enrollment help :(

Health Insurance Open Enrollment help :(

Hoping to get some opinions on insurance options I have available at work. In the past i've mostly done HDHP plans but the new employer has some better PPO options than i've had in the past (and just way more plans in general). Employer also offers HMO and ACO (never heard of this) with $0 deductibles, and some Kaiser plans. I prefer to stay with Blue Shield as it's more familiar to me.

My health context: fairly healthy, but have some specialist visits (allergist, ENT, etc.) I'd like to get to this year. I have about 3.7k in an HSA (2k cash, 1.7 invested). I am fairly risk-averse and don't like the mystery of how much things cost in healthcare in the states πŸ™

My employer covers approximately $330 of the premiums listed here (per paycheck – 26 per year)

most expensive/best of each plan type:

All plans:

Any thoughts/input welcome!

submitted by /u/housebound_homie

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