Question: Insurance cut me off, work wont give me enough hours for coverage. What are my options? (USA)

While im here, i want to point out… I really have ZERO clue how this works. I just wanna live my life and have the help i need when i need.

I'm only 24. About to be 25 this year. I'm a diabetic, and before i had state insurance (medicaid) helping with costs. Many times they wouldn't do jack shit, but just having insurance most times got me what i needed. Or at least got me to a doctor.

Well they cut me off, work wont give me more hours for insurance through work. the $35 insulin cap was bullshit, at least i never got to experience it. And still dont. Good RX most times does absolutely nothing.

(side note: everyone recommends good rx, but have yet to once do anything? Pharmacists always say theres no discount)

Is there some cheap, online insurance type deal i can do? I would love to have some help with dental, eye stuff, and of course diabetic stuff. Something similar to my car insurance. Found it online, just pay as i go and im alright to my knowledge

submitted by /u/titsequalthumbs

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