A Noob Trying to Get Health Insurance. Let’s Talk People!

Hello. Age 37, South Dakota, and about $1800 a month after taxes.

Yes, it is true that I am a noob, and I am here with hat in hand, heart on sleeve and beer in fridge since last year.

So, here is the art of the deal. I need you to explain to me like I am 5 or like I am Homer Simpson about insurance, and I will cut right through the chase.

This year I was diagnosed with Hiatal Hernia, and I need endoscopy done and most likely surgery done. But I can't pay out of pocket. I applied for Medicaid, but I don't qualify due to the fact I make too much. I make peanuts and I make over the limit by 400 dollars even though the Medicaid site says $1700 is the cut off and I pull in about $1800 LOL.

I live in South Dakota, and I was looking at healthcare website and most plans are expensive. I make very little a month, and all goes to bills and I make too much for Medicaid by a few hundred dollars.

I am basically getting insurance for Endoscopy and HH surgery. And, and so this is where you the person reading this comes in and gives some advice to a dummy like me. I don't know much about deductibles, PPOs and EPOS or all that jazz.

And I was talking with a healthcare gov guy yesterday and he said if I put in an application before May 31st, I will get it in June. And told to look at the plans online. But I don't know which is the best for me price wise or which will cover most of my surgery.

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Again, don't have a clue at all about premiums and deductibles. Get ready to laugh, so when I hear a *example* $500 or $700 deductible what does that mean exactly? does that mean I pay $500 or $700 or does it mean it will only cover my surgery for that much.

I am low income and pull in peanuts so remember that part. Go easy on me smart people and tell me what I got to do.


submitted by /u/CoolAsTheBreeze