Help me understand the law – daughter is 23, on my insurance, with no local providers

My 23 year-old daughter lives halfway across the US from me. She’s been on my employer-provided HMO since she was little.

Since she moved away, we’ve been unable to get her a PCP in her state because it’s out of our local network. She has not been able to schedule a yearly checkup or consult with a doctor about her various issues (physical & mental).

Since COVID, tele-health has become more widely available so I’ve been able to get her an in-network therapist, but on the medical side, she has to go to urgent care for everything.

My question is: if I drop her from my health insurance, would she be eligible for an ACA plan? I’ve gone through the beginning of the ACA application, and one of the conditions to apply seems to be that you can’t be eligible for another health insurance plan. While she’s technically eligible for my health plan, it doesn’t cover her where she is for health-related needs.

I believe I also need a qualifying event to both drop her from my insurance and for her to be able to sign up for ACA marketplace insurance.

Any guidance or advice is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/BrickTopsPigs

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