Labor & delivery hospital questions

Hi all, I’m looking for some advice here. I’m due to give birth in July. Found an OB-GYN I really like and she’s in network with my insurance (Aetna). She only delivers at one specific hospital, which is also in-network. So far, so good. However, I’ve heard that often even if the hospital is in-network, other professionals that treat you during L&D (such as anesthesiologist) might not be. I have met my deductible for in-network, but have about $3,250 left of co-pay for OON. It seems like there’s no way to know in advance what my out of pocket will be due to all the different codes and things the hospital uses to bill insurance, and all the potential unknowns during birth. My question is, is there any way to ensure I am only looked after by in-network professionals? Has anyone been through this? I’m scared to get hit with a huge bill after the birth for out of network things. Thanks in advance for any advice!

Edit to say: I’m in California and I have a PPO through my employer

submitted by /u/Greenmoss17

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