What Car Has The Best Door Handle?

What Car Has The Best Door Handle?

Photo: Mercedes-Benz

Door handles. Most people probably never think about them, but we aren’t most people, are we amigo? We’re car enthusiasts, which means the most minute details catch our attention. Because of that, we’ve decided to dedicate today’s question to one very specific design detail: door handles.

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Namely, we want to know what vehicle you think has the best of all time. I know what you’re thinking, “Andy, they’re just for getting into a car, who the fuck cares?” Well, first of all, chill out my guy. Second, sure door handles can just be door handles, but some automakers decide to go the extra mile with their design.

They can add another element of style to a car – making them a more unique experience for the driver and passengers. There are all sorts to choose from too – they’re more than just a simple mechanism. Some of them have buttons, some switches, others have levers and some don’t have anything at all – looking at you, Ford Mustang Mach-E.

All of this is even more true as we get into the electric age. Automakers are scrambling to make their vehicles as smooth as possible so they cut through the air with minimal resistance. Because of that, we’ve got a plethora of flush-mounted and pop-out door handles on otherwise mundane, everyday cars. It’s enough to get you through a shitty day if you ask me.

I won’t take anyone’s suggestions before they’ve got a chance to write down their answers, so I’ll just end it here. Now it’s your turn. Drop down below and let your fellow Jalops know what you consider to be the best door handle of all time.

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