Bushfire Building Council launches resilient home project

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An NRMA Insurance-backed project aimed at improving the resilience of homes against floods, bushfires and other weather disasters has been launched, offering free architectural drawings, construction specifications and handbook guides.

The Bushfire Building Council of Australia (BBCA) today released details of FORTIS House, a project it worked on in collaboration with the IAG-owned insurer, Shoalhaven City Council in NSW and other partners.

Pre-fabricated FORTIS Houses will also be available for purchase, from $300,00 to $700,000, and can be constructed in as little as 12 weeks, BBCA says.

“Australia is exposed to increasing extreme weather and disasters, yet less than 10% of our houses are resilient to local risk,” CEO Kate Cotter said.

She says FORTIS – which derives its name from the Latin word for strong – aims to help address the resilience gap by providing a new benchmark and practical support for resilient building based on scientific research, engineering-first principles, community collaboration and practical advice from builders, the insurance industry and house manufacturers.

“We just have to do something better,” Ms Cotter told insuranceNEWS.com.au. “Today is day one but we’ve already got some enquiries from some people wanting to do it.”

BBCA says a FORTIS house is designed to last with non-combustible, robust , quality construction and materials, and the project is a brainchild of the non-profit body.

One of its features is a protective outer shell that can be completely closed to provide disaster resilience, energy efficiency, ventilation and security.

On the sustainability front, a house built according to FORTIS design is water self-sufficient, 100% electric and solar powered.

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Climate and resilience experts from the NRMA Insurance team worked closely with BBCA and the Shoalhaven community to develop the FORTIS House resources.

“As an insurer, we see the heartbreaking impact extreme weather and disasters have on our customers and communities first hand, so it has been exciting to see the Shoalhaven community lead the design of FORTIS House,” NRMA Insurance EGM Luke Gallagher said.

“It’s incredible to be part of a project that empowers people to protect themselves against these climate and disaster risks and gives them practical solutions so they can build back easier, faster and stronger.

“We’re proud to have been working with the BBCA team over the last three years on projects like this to help communities better understand disaster risk and to help them reduce and mitigate that risk.”

Click here for more about FORTIS.