The top 3 trends that will impact the construction industry in 2024

The top 3 trends that will impact the construction industry in 2024


The construction industry is set to undergo some significant changes in 2024. As labor shortages and supply chain delays continue to affect operations, new strategies and solutions are needed for businesses to remain competitive.


So, what can brokers do to help their clients mitigate risks in this evolving and dynamic landscape?


This informative podcast uncovers the key trends set to transform the construction sector and provides expert insights on how insurance professionals can help their construction clients prepare for the challenges next year.


Tune into the podcast and gain insights on:

The ongoing labor shortage and what will be integral to overcoming shortages in 2024
Supply chain delays and the solutions needed to increase supply chain management
Emerging technology and how it will shape the future landscape of the construction industry


Don’t miss this and so much more – hit play now.

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