How to find where a LI policy has been pulled on you?

Sorry, super strange question, or maybe not? I don’t know, but I do know that my grandfather is a weird man. Never been close, and I think I’ve only met him once when I was a baby (he lives across the country). He’s been known to get life insurance policies on family members, we think it’s so he can just wait for people to die and he’ll profit. Like I said, he’s a strange man. Anyways, he called my mom yesterday and asked if he could get certain info so he could get a policy on my sister. My mom said no, he got mad and then said he’d never help us out again and blah blah blah. He also let it slip that he’s had one on me essentially since I was born, and I’m now 23. My mom told him to give me the option to cash it out, but that’ll never happen. I called one insurance agency that I thought he would’ve gone through, since he used it for my aunt, but they couldn’t find a policy for me. There’s obviously hundreds, if not thousands of companies. How can I find where the policy is at?? TIA.

submitted by /u/im_bigmeech

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