My newborn son was discharged with Jaundice and we were told to monitor it. We wound up at a second hospital for 2 days, and they will not bill our insurance. Please help!

My newborn son was discharged from the hospital with Jaundice. We were told to keep an eye on it. We called his pediatrician the next morning, and he advised us to get emergency care immediately. We spent another 2 nights in a second hospital.

We did our research, and know that a newborn is supposed to be covered under the mothers insurance for 30 days, so when we got a bill with no insurance coverage we thought it was a simple mistake. We have been calling/fighting insurance every week now for over a year, and we finally got a Final the determination that he was not covered under either of our insurance because he was no longer at the same hospital that he was born at.

Mind you…We got to the second hospital less than 24 hours after being discharged from the first. There was no way to get a Social security number that fast, which is required to get them insured. It seems like its the ENTIRE POINT of having the covered under the mothers insurance for 30 days…

Is this legal? Is there any recourse or appeal to this type of process? It seems insane to me that they can stick me with this huge bill without any insurance when I am responsible about keeping up coverage up on my entire family.

I feel so lost because there is literally nothing I could have done. Its like the die was cast when he was born.

Please help reddit…

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