Health/Dental for wisdom teeth question

Through work I have Anthem PPO HDHP for medical insurance and Total Cigna DPPO for dental. My husband needs his wisdom teeth out.

He went to a dentist awhile ago due to pain; they said one wisdom tooth was infected, gave him a prescription and referred him to a local oral surgeon. The prescription stopped the pain and we had very crappy insurance at the time, so he never went to the oral surgeon. Half a year later his tooth now hurts again but we have better insurance. My current problem/question is I can’t figure out which insurance will cover the wisdom tooth (probably teeth) removal. The Cigna dental insurance covers everything equally, whether in network or not. The Anthem medical insurance covers a lot more in network, but the only in-network oral surgeon is an hour away. Not the end of the world but not preferred. Everything thing I’ve read on the internet is pretty wishy-washy on whether or not wisdom tooth extraction is medical or dental. Anyone here have a more solid answer? Is this something where we will need to call a couple of dental offices and ask how they’d bill it?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/HeatMean

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