Have I Been Scammed (MembershipBenefitsPlus?)

For context I’m 23 and just got kicked off my university health insurance. Can’t be on my parents anymore because it was through the military and I’m out of college. I have a bunch of severe chronic conditions and no money and had just moved to a new state. So I was desperate and very possibly made a very stupid mistake.

I applied to the government insurance in my state (NJ) and shortly after started receiving calls I thought were scams from “health sherpas” who were supposed to help me figure out which plans I qualified for. I screened their calls for a while and asked me to take me off the list but one day I was getting kind of desperate and picked up. The woman on the phone walked me through the plans I knew about and had already looked at (blue cross, etc) but the deductibles were tough on my chronic health issues. When I explained the issue to her she seemed to take pity on me and said she could fudge some numbers and get me onto a discount plan. It looked like it covered the meds I needed and at least one ER visit a year (which I also need) so I said yes and she helped me set up an account and charged my card. My card flagged the payment, but I had my bank push it through thinking it was just because it was a big purchase and I’d recently moved.

The health plan she helped me pick was “AMT Safeguard with Teledoc” but the website she had me sign up through was called membershipbenefitsplus.

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Now I’m almost out of my meds and wanted to use the teledoc to see a provider and get more. But when I went into the portal to get my insurance card and hopefully see a doctor clicked on the “view documents” tab under AMT safeguard and it took me to a new website. This was a still pdf for “Focus Discount Benefits” with a member ID and a link to another page. No Mention of AMT. Click the link and now I’m taken to a page on focusdiscountsolutions.com titled “WellCard Savings” that gives me a discount card for meds but specifically says it’s not insurance.

I’m kind of at a loss here. I need to see a doc and get new meds ASAP and im worried I may have been scammed. I gave my credit card and social upon signup, so if I have been I’m screwed.

Does anyone have any experience with this website and/or any tangible advice on what to do now? Already feeling like shit about this so please don’t beat me up too much.