Billed for a Physical but All We Discussed was Weight Management?

Hi all, please help 🥲 I had a physical earlier this year to get established with a doctor prior to a big surgery and check on some things like my blood work. Come Fall I received an email telling me to schedule another appointment/physical from the provider. I schedule and mention that I want to discuss weight loss options.

At my appointment, the doctor does the typical examination of the heart and lungs and that's it as far as physical. Other than that, we just discussed weight loss options and decided on a referral to a nutritionist.

I was looking over my claims today and noticed a bill for the doctors office for almost 500, at the bottom it says that I already reached my annual physical limit this year, but the second appointment wasn't treated as a physical 😭 no blood work, just standard height weight, heart, lungs. My first and only physical, they checked my reflexes, back, neck, did blood work, the works.

Do I have any recourse here?

submitted by /u/Available-Working745

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