Different Plans for Employees in Different States

Welcome to the open enrollment madness!!

Just received my open enrollment packet through my employer and premiums have gone up (shocker…) but the coverage is 10xs WORSE than it will be for this year. The issue I'm having right now is after thumbing through the enrollment book, it appears that employees that reside in the same state as our company headquarters are benefiting SO MUCH from just where they live.

Normally, I wouldn't make a big stink about this – but we are paying the same premiums as the in-state employees and they have WAY better coverage.

For example:

Medical In-State Employee Out-of-State Employee Deductible Options of tiered coverage (based on where you go and who is contracted with the insurance company in that state/no change in premium) – Tier 1 is a $0 deductible. Tier 2 is a $3,000/$6,000, Tier 3 is their crappiest of crap providers is $5,000/$10,000. Increased to $5,000 individual (previously $1,000) and $10,000/family (previously $3,000) No matter the in-network provider you see. Out of network is $7,000/$14,000 Co-pay Urgent Care $0 (tier 1), $70 (tier 2), $150 (tier 3) $150 in network, 50% co-insurance outside of network Co-Pay PCP $0 (tier 1), $35 (tier 2), $75 (tier 3) $75 Co-Pay Specialist $0 (t1), $70 (t2), $150 (t3) – they also have a category for "preferred specialist" which are half of the above cost per tier. $150 OOP Max T1 – $0, T2 – $7,000/$14,000, T3 – $9,450/$18,900 No tiers – $9,450/$18,900 Co-Insurance T1 – 0%, T2 – 10%, T3 – 30% 30%

See also  Went to specialist without referral, paid out of pocket, but (HMO) insurance FAQ (maybe) says I can go direct to specialist

Can they do this?!

submitted by /u/ScubaRN