How should my pregnant wife and I leverage employer provided insurance?

My wife is 14 weeks pregnant.

We are currently under my employer’s bcbs consumer advantage plan which has a high out-of-pocket maximum but comes with a HSA option with my employer contributing 2k to it annually. I have about 3k in my HSA and expect about $4k more (including employer contribution) by the baby’s due date. I also read that I can use my HSA towards my wife even if she’s not under my plan (idk how true that is). I dont pay anything from my paycheck to be covered while I pay about $30 for my wife to be covered.

My wife’s obgyn is covered under the bcbs plan. However, since we haven’t hit our out-of-pocket maximum, when the time comes to deliver the baby, we would be on the hook for almost $4k.

This is where my wife’s employer’s insurance options come in. Her employer offers Kaiser HMO and BCBS HMO.

Kaiser has a flat copay of $250 for the delivery and is in-network for the hospital. However, her obgyn is out-of-network which would mean $200+ for each visit (probably 10-14 visits before delivery). We really like our obgyn and want to stay with them.

BCBS HMO has a deductible of $1.3k. Maternity care (pre-natal, deliver, postpartum) are 100% covered with a $35 copay. Hospital inpatient services for deliver is 85% covered subject to the deductible.

Regardless of what she chooses, she would be paying around $160/month for the plans.

With open enrollment in effect, I would appreciate opinions and suggestions on how to set up our health insurance up until our baby’s birth.

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Zipcode: 30518 (GA) Wife’s age: 31 Wife’s income: 70k My age: 29 My income: 135k