I was wondering if anyone had any insights as to why this occurred:

My Father passed away in August 2023 and I’m currently assisting my Mother with the life insurance policies. This past Monday a claimant form/packet came from one of the companies we contacted, but it was surprisingly addressed to me. It was legitimate (we checked) and had the correct policy number, but the letter stated that they ‘are currently researching our records to verify the beneficiary of the policy’. Meanwhile, all the other claimant forms/packets addressed to my Mother know straightaway she is the beneficiary (with nothing written to indicate that they need to research records for verification). Additionally, the lawyer assisting us said the original policy document from the early/mid 1990s listed my Mom as the beneficiary.

Does anyone know why this may have happened? Wouldn’t it be obvious who the beneficiary is? I have a few ideas as to what might have happened, but wanted some other input. I am hoping this means I am possibly the beneficiary of one of the life insurance policies my Father took out, but I think this may be a mistake (and don’t want to get my hopes up).

Thanks for any input or help!

Also, quick FYI–I called the insurance company with my Mom to try and figure out what happened but they are not allowed to disclose anything.

See also  Life Insurance Claim