Advice needed for choosing my annual health insurance plan

Currently, I am signing up for an annual health insurance plan. I currently do not have health insurance. I hardly ever go to the doctor, as I am young and healthy but have recently found out I will likely need surgery on my shoulder due to martial arts.

My work offers different options for health insurance:


$170/month plan

$600 deductible

90% coverage after deductible

$10 copay – prescriptions

$3,000 – OOP Max


$120/month plan

$1,000 deductible

80% coverage after deductible

$10 copay – prescriptions

$4,500 – OOP Max


$60/month plan

$2,500 deductible

80% coverage after deductible

$10 copay after deductible – prescriptions

$5,000 OOP Max

Additional info: I pay $20/month for 1 prescription, and see a psychiatrist 4 times a year @ $150/visit- again, with no health insurance.

I have historically gotten sick 1-2 times a year with 1-2 prescriptions.

I really do believe I’ll be needing shoulder surgery/MRI

All plans include optional enrollment in an HSA account.

Thanks! Let me know if any additional information is needed.

submitted by /u/MasCriticalAgenda

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