Does Yoga Insurance Cover If You Teach Online

Does Yoga Insurance Cover If You Teach Online

Does one need yoga instructor insurance if they teach online? How can you protect your yoga business since the coronavirus pandemic has forced everyone to turn to the online platform to learn yoga?

Do I need insurance to teach yoga online or in a free class? The answer is yes. You need insurance to teach yoga online and in any free class because they all have the same amount of risk as the physical and paid training respectively.

Getting a yoga insurance cover may seem like an irrelevant cover. You may ask what is the point in wasting precious money getting yoga insurance when there seems to be apparently no risk or threat. 

But you will agree with me that one of the major nightmares of yoga teachers and instructors is the challenge of keeping everyone safe while they train and practice yoga.

As a yoga teacher, you will be held responsible when anyone who comes under your tutelage or enrolls in your yoga class gets hurt. 

No matter how hard you try to teach your students how to train safely and avoid injuries they are almost unavoidable. You would be required to take care of the injured person’s medical bills and any other expense that may be incurred in the occurrence of such an event. 

Even though the tendency of these events taking place is very low. One obvious truth is that there is no 100 percent certainty that you would not have such cases. Their occurrence even though slim is certain. As a result of this certainty, it is important to get yoga insurance.


What Do You Need Yoga Insurance Cover for?

Yoga seems to be a gentle sport and the event of accidents and injuries seems unlikely. Nevertheless, they do take place. 

According to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), the number of yoga-related injuries treated in hospitals has doubled in the past five years. They reported that a shocking 5,000 injuries from yoga-related sources are recorded every year. 

This is quite strange considering the nature of yoga. And it proves the fact that even though yoga seems to be a sport that should not record accidents and injuries, they still happen. 

No matter your expertise as a yoga instructor and how much you educate your students to be aware of the disposition of their bodies, you will never exert total control over the eventuality of accidents and injuries. This is not a matter of how rich your resume is as a professional yoga instructor. Some very zealous students of yours may want to stretch beyond their body capacities thereby putting them at risk of injuries.

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Unfortunately, whether the fault is from you as an instructor failing to properly sensitize your students on preventing accidents and injuries or an undoing on the part of your students themselves, you will be required to pay for legal liabilities and cover the cost of medical expenses. 

A yoga liability insurance cover will safeguard you from the unfortunate occurrence of accidents and injuries as you teach and instruct yoga. Having one makes you continue your yoga classes being assured that whatever happens you are insured. 

A typical yoga liability insurance protects and covers your yoga business by paying for your student’s medical bills, filed lawsuits, equipment loss, and any other yoga-related risks. 


If you own a yoga class or want to begin one then you must consider getting a yoga liability insurance. 

How to Get a Yoga Insurance Cover in the United States

You can easily acquire an insurance cover for your yoga class in the United States. These are the ways in which you can get yoga insurance coverage in the United States:

Compare insurance quotes
Ensure the policy matches your yoga class’ needs
Check the provisions of the insurance cover 
Go for affordable and suitable

1. Compare Insurance Quotes 

To get the best yoga insurance cover in the United States, contact as many insurance companies in the United States that offer yoga insurance covers and get quotes from them. 

Compare all the yoga insurance quotes you get to discover which one is the best and offers the coverage you are in need of. The cost of a yoga insurance policy is between USD 155 and USD 405 annually. 

2. Ensure the Policy Matches Your Yoga Class’ Needs 

As you compare all the yoga insurance quotes you got from the insurance provider, check to see if the provisions of the policies match the activities and risks typical to your yoga class. 

Yoga classes are not always similar. Some specialize in certain aspects of the sport, unlike others. This seeming disparity makes it difficult for one yoga policy to fit all. You would need to be sure that the insurance policy covers for the specific yoga tasks your class performs. 

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3. Check the Provisions of the Insurance Cover 

It is important to have a perfect understanding of the provisions of your yoga insurance policy so you know what is covered and what is not. 

An understanding of the provisions in the yoga insurance cover will enable you to file claims appropriately when the need arises. This point is important considering the focus of this article which is whether your yoga insurance still covers you if you teach online. 

4. Go For Affordable and Suitable

Before you finally settle for an insurance cover for your yoga class, make sure the premiums you are to pay for it are within your reach. 

You do not want to run into debts trying to pay insurance premiums. A yoga teacher insurance policy that is both affordable and fitting for your business is what you should settle for. 

Does Yoga Instructor Insurance Cover If You Teach Online?

Does yoga teacher insurance cover online teaching

Your yoga insurance classes may have taken a new shape since the outbreak of COVID-19 causing you to discontinue physical yoga classes and start teaching yoga online. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the yoga business is enormous. 

Almost every business went online as the spread of Coronavirus continued and it is no surprise your yoga classes did the same. 

So, the question is, since your yoga insurance cover was acquired without online classes in mind, would it still pay for accidents and injuries as you teach online? Or maybe you want to start your own yoga class and you would like to teach online, would a yoga teacher and studio insurance policy cover you?

There are two sides to answering this question. The first is not all yoga insurance policies make room for online teaching coverage while the second is the insurance will cover when the video tutorials are live. 

For the first part, yoga teacher insurance policies come with different specifications. Some policies may cover both physical classes and online classes while others will only cover physical classes. 

This is why it is important to check the provisions of the insurance cover you want to buy. Be acquainted with the stipulations presented in the cover so you are informed what your insurance provider is going to pay claims on. 

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If you already have a yoga instructor insurance policy, check its provisions to see if it covers online classes. 

In the second part, an insurance company whose yoga insurance policy covers even online classes will only pay for claims when accidents and injuries occur during live sessions. If your student gets injured while you are alive, then you are entitled to a claim. 

But if the accident or injury takes place as a result of watching a pre-recorded video, no claims will be paid by the policy provider.

A yoga insurance policy may cover online classes but not all the time. The insurance provisions must clearly stipulate the filing of claims for such occurrence and the occurrence must take place during live sessions. 

Before you rush out and start offering yoga training on Instagram live, through pre-recorded or any form of virtual class, please ensure that your yoga instructor insurance covers online training.


To conclude, here are 3 things you must do after you finish your yoga teacher training.

3 Things to Do After Your Yoga Teacher’s Training

1. Get Certification From CPR & EFAC

You may want to ignore this certification need but it is essential to give your yoga business a professional touch. If you are a yoga instructor in the United States or Canada, get certified by the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for North American teachers (CPR) and if you are in Europe, you can get your certification from the European First Aid Certificate for European teachers (EFAC).

Aside from giving you a touch of professionalism, your yoga students and those who want to enroll in your yoga class will be confident to work with you. 

2. Get a Liability Insurance 

We cannot emphasize this point enough. As long as you run a business that is susceptible to risks, get an insurance cover. 

As a yoga instructor, your student can get injured as you teach, an item from your yoga studio can be stolen or damaged, being without an insurance cover makes you vulnerable. You cannot be 100 percent careful to avoid injuries and accidents.

Get liability insurance. You can get a yoga insurance cover, professional indemnity insurance cover, and possibly a business insurance cover. If you want to get the best business insurance company to buy your insurance policy from, we have got you covered. 

3. Create a Resume 

Your resume will contain a comprehensive profile of your yoga teaching and instructing experience. Even if you are starting out and you have no experience in yoga, you can add the skills you acquired during your yoga teacher’s training. 

Your training certificate should be included in your resume alongside a personal note describing your yoga teaching style.

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