30 Minutes Of Honda CRX Restoration Heaven Awaits You

30 Minutes Of Honda CRX Restoration Heaven Awaits You

Screenshot: CRXseth via YouTube

Honda’s CRX is one of those few universally loved cars that never really got a second chance. Sure, big H came out with the CR-Z, which kind of scratched the itch aesthetically but didn’t keep to the CRX’s lightweight ethos. The CRX is also one of those cars that was so cheap for so long (not anymore, though) that you hardly ever see a super nice one anymore, except on YouTube. Like now.

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This two-year restoration condensed down into a single 30-minute video is an excellent time waster. Something about taking a car as modest as a 1980s Honda, even if it is a super cool one, and then lavishing all the care and attention in the world on it is very, very satisfying. That’s doubly true when it’s as thrashed as this one was to begin with.

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Maybe the most impressive thing about this restoration to me is the fact that it appears to have been done all in a normal garage without the benefit of a ton of expensive tools or a bunch of people. The results, while maybe not Pebble Beach quality (as if anyone cares) appear to be seriously great and now all I want is to drive this this thing.

So, kick back, nerd out on Hondas with me, and appreciate that this dude A: didn’t have any talking in this video and B: didn’t do anything silly like K-swap the car. Enjoy.

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