Why would someone hide policy papers and certificate of insurance?

There's a court order that states my ex is to cover our daughter under his job provided insurance. He was supposed to provide me and the state Attorney General's Office copies of either the insurance policy or a certificate of insurance within 30 days of the order being signed. It's been over a year since that deadline has passed and for some reason he has still refused. He either ignores the request for months, stalled for time and claims he's still working on it, and his most recent excuse is that he has no idea what those documents even are. (My ex has car and home insurance so he's obviously lying.).

Can anyone figure out why he would not want to share that information? My attorney and I are a bit confused, and we have negotiations coming up regarding the possibility filing a lawsuit in court, but I can't figure out what is going on. Some extra info: his premium gets deducted from child support, which is about $90 per month. I know he has a health savings account but I have absolutely no idea how those even work.

submitted by /u/ketchupsun

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