LUMINARIES 2023 Finalists: Financial & Investment Innovation — Firms, Group 2

LUMINARIES 2023 Finalists: Financial & Investment Innovation — Firms, Group 2

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As has been the case for the past two years, we are thrilled to give readers a look at the work of industry leaders and pioneers being recognized in our annual LUMINARIES awards program.

In 2023, we introduced a new category of achievement: Financial & Investment Innovation. It aims to honor individuals and firms leading the creation of new financial products, services and processes that meet advisors’ and investors’ needs while delivering efficiency and competitive advantages to industry players via new platforms and other tools.

Finalists in this category have brought new products, services and processes to market that give their firms additional revenue streams and, at the same time, result in strong user satisfaction and retention.

One group of finalists in this category are featured in this slideshow — including fintech firms and turnkey asset management programs (or TAMPs).

The second group of finalists in Financial & Investment Innovation are asset/portfolio management firms, custodians, broker-dealers, consulting firms and registered investment advisors (or RIAs).

Our other LUMINARIES categories focus on Thought Leadership & Education, as well as Community Impact and Executive Leadership.

An evolution of our Broker-Dealers of the Year awards, the LUMINARIES program aims to highlight how top-performing industry participants — both firms and individuals — produce meaningful results through efforts that matter most to advisors.

The Class of 2023 Finalists were selected by our editorial team. They also have been reviewed by a diverse panel of judges from across the advice industry.

We look forward to seeing the LUMINARIES Finalists at our third-annual awards dinner and gala — set to take place Nov. 28 at Gotham Hall in New York, where a select group of winners will be announced on stage. 

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The diverse and numerous achievements of this group of Class of 2023 Finalists have been summarized from their nomination materials for this slideshow presentation in order to showcase the tremendous, broad-reaching impact firms and individuals are making on the financial services industry.

“By nature, the business is competitive, and that competitiveness includes innovation and striving for better experiences and better benefits for the clients we serve. Industry awards like the LUMINARIES create a sense of competition around things that are meaningfully beneficial to clients and investors, as opposed to awards for the most profitable firms,” said David Knoch, CEO of Docupace Technologies and a past LUMINARIES winner for executive leadership.

Information about last year’s LUMINARIES Finalists and winners is available online.

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