Have an unknown disease, would need a new insurance

Hi everyone, I need your help. I have some unknown/hard to diagnose disease. My doctors are trying hard to figure out what it is. They order all sorts of tests, MRIs, labs, etc. to find what’s wrong with me. I’m also periodically forced to go to a hospital due to my condition. As you can imagine the expenses are high. I have free state insurance that covers it all 100%. Last year my insurance was billed around $40K.

I was unemployed after COVID started (that’s how I got state insurance), but now I have my own LLC and work as a contractor. My income this year will be around $90K. So I will lose my free insurance. Right now, it’s still active until the end of the year.

Because of my unknown disease I have high medical needs: regular visits to PCP and many specialists, medications, a huge amount of diagnostic procedures and occasional hospital stays. It’s hard to say what my future medical expenses will be. I guess anywhere in the range of $30-50K/year.

So, what are my options? What insurance should I get? I’m from another country and have no clue about the US healthcare system. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Zip: 11229 (NYC)

Age: 33

Income: $90K

submitted by /u/orlu1313

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