How long does getting approval for a septoplasty surgery (deviated septum) typically take?

After experiencing breathing problems I decided to go in to find out I had a 90% deviation in my septum, need turbinate reduction, and a growth removed in my nose in the same surgery (even though it took 6 months to get that consultation alone). That surgeons office is stating he has a backlog of weeks of notes before he submits to insurance when I just found out I will be losing insurance the month after my 26th birthday instead of EOY like I originally thought. To me..that seems like a poorly run office since they won't put me on the schedule until this is done.. or is this normal for this long wait? I found a different ENT to see me Tuesday, but am I going to be stuck with another lengthy process? He got me in much faster, but I lose insurance September 1st and I am stressing. I will be getting different insurance, but I already met my deductible and it will be extremely high. Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/AlexaRose98

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