Surgery Billing – unbundling?

We have BCBS Federal Employee Plan – Basic, and they've made changes this year involving paying a co-insurance % for "agents" and labs.

My husband had outpatient surgery, and what we expected to be a $200 copay, is now over $1000 bill and growing.

His surgeon and the facility are both preferred, but since the surgeon isn't an "employee" of the hospital, we were charged another $200 copay for the surgeon.

Anesthesia is supposed to be covered, and the insurance paid out almost $3k.. but we are being billed co-insurance for each and every anesthetic and reversal agent used.

We're not supposed to be charged multiple copays on the same day by the same facility (only paying the higher of the two) but we received a bill for outpatient copay as well as radiology copay (same day, same facility)

Diagnostic testing billed within 24 hours of the surgery is supposed to be covered, but we're being billed individually for that.

Then pathology was sent to an outside provider (in network but not a hospital employee) and a separate bill for that.

None of this sounds right to me. I have my policy docs linked above, am I being charged correctly?

submitted by /u/Doll-Dagga-BuzzBuzz

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