UHC refused to cover labs. What do I do?

I have UHC through my employer with generally speaking excellent coverage. My daughter was diagnosed with a chronic condition around 9 months ago and OMG. The insurance has paid out over 200k in these 9 months for her care with no end in sight. Onto the present issue: UHC denied paying for some lab work via LabCorp, done per doctor's orders and left me hanging with 1k bill. It was deemed 'medically not necessary.' My daughter's provider appealed without my knowledge and the decision came back to cover one code, but UHC upheld the decision to not cover the rest of codes worth $800. I am frustrated and stressed out. I have no medical knowledge to know what is medically necessary and what not. I was not given an option to refuse the test due to it not being covered. Yet I am now responsible for $800. The same or very similar labs were fully covered in the fall. What is the best course of action? Insurance rep advised to do 2nd round of appeals but I don't know if I trust this advice. Our provider already sent her medical records. There is no new information to provide. Additionally, I am appalled that the insurance typically pays 5-10% of the billed amount to LabCorp but passed on the fully billed amount to me when they don't want to cover it? Why should I pay $200 when their negotiated rate with LabCorp is $13. What can I do. Please advise.

submitted by /u/Mrs_Klushkin

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