Why are Medical Bills completely Illogical???

I recently enrolled in a Qualified Health Plan with HealthFirst since I moved back to NYC in February. (Of course the only affordable health care in the state I was previously living doesn't transfer so GOTTA START OVER EVERY TIME YA KNOW). Anyway, I've been dealing with a specific health issue and every time I get a document from HealthFirst it's like:

"Plan covers: $66. Member Responsibility: $318. You owe: $4. Total towards deductible: $0."

Like… what?

I know there needs to be major Healthcare Reform, but can anyone give tips for how to deal with medical bills and navigate NYSO/HealthFirst in the meantime?

Do you just not pay them? How long can you silently ignore your medical bills from providers? Do you call doctors/hospitals and tell them you can't afford to pay and they give you a discount? Can I request the Medical Bill for Dummies from my Insurance Company?

Why is everything impossible to understand?

All tips, advice, and commiseration welcome!!

P.S. I have uterine fibroids and research in women's health is like STONE AGE! Y'all! It's bonkers! My gyno literally said, "Vaginas… they're a mystery!". Please direct me to the sub for this topic!!

Edit: I'm 37, live in NYC, and I'm self-employed.

submitted by /u/EPSuckIt

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