I have dental insurance that has an annual maximum coverage of $1000. In April and May, I underwent dental fillings and periodontal scaling. Before each visit, the dentist presented a treatment plan that considered my insurance coverage, clearly mentioning the $1000 cap. I paid around $100-$300 during every visit. However, to my surprise, I recently received a bill totaling $1600, claiming that my insurance did not cover the last few visits. Upon further discussion with the dentist, it was revealed that they had overlooked the coverage cap and made estimation errors.

I believe this is unfair, as knowing the actual cost beforehand would have influenced my decision to proceed with the treatment. I'm seeking advice on my rights and any potential courses of action to address this situation. Are there any legal or regulatory protections in place to support patients in similar scenarios?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/taroisbetter

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