Hurricane Season and Business Continuity: The Importance of Commercial Flood Insurance

Hurricane Season and Business Continuity: The Importance of Commercial Flood Insurance

Hurricane season brings an increased risk of flooding, particularly in coastal areas. Getting a commercial flood policy in place before hurricane season starts ensures that the business is protected from potential flood damage that may occur during the season. It can also help get your business back up and running!

Don’t wait for Hurricane Season to start

It is important to understand that there is a 30-day waiting period before a commercial flood policy becomes active. This means that if a business waits until hurricane season to get coverage, it may not be fully protected if a flood occurs during 30 day waiting period. Therefore, getting a commercial flood policy in place well before hurricane season starts ensures the policy is active and in effect before any potential flood damage occurs.

What does a Commercial Flood Policy do for my Business?

A Commercial Flood Policy helps cover the costs of repairing or replacing damaged property, inventory, and equipment. It also covers up to $1,000 for reasonable loss avoidance expenses such as sandbags and labor.

Commercial Flood Policies are specifically designed to provide coverage for damage caused by flood-related events, which are not typically covered under standard commercial property insurance policies. It can also cover damage caused by heavy rains, hurricanes, and other types of natural disasters that cause flood damage.

Having a commercial flood policy in place before hurricane season starts demonstrates a business’s commitment to risk management and disaster preparedness. It shows that the business has taken proactive steps to protect itself from potential natural disasters, which can enhance its reputation and credibility with customers and stakeholders.

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Flood Zone – Every business is in one

Knowing your flood risk is vital. Some businesses may be required to carry flood insurance if they are located in high-risk flood zones, and failing to comply with these requirements can result in legal and financial consequences for the business. However, it is important to understand, 25% of all flood losses result in low-moderate flood zones. So, no matter what zone your business is in – securing a flood policy should be in your plans to protect what you worked so hard to build. 

Not sure what flood zone your business is in? You can visit the Flood Map Service Center to learn more about your flood maps and your community. This resource provides access to free flood maps and other resources to help you better understand your community’s risk. Simply enter the street address you want to learn about, and you can easily determine what flood zone it falls under.

Disaster Preparedness: Have a Plan in Place

Do you have a plan if a hurricane or disaster strikes? provides fantastic toolkits that you can use to prepare your business for Hurricanes or Flooding.

We highly recommend taking a look at these free resources

Need More information?

If you own a business and are interested in purchasing a commercial flood policy, we are here for you. Connect with an agent or get a free quote. 

Have more questions? Our team is here to answer any concerns you have.