Severe Weather Hits Carnival Sunshine, Offers Yet Another Reason To Never Get On A Cruise Ship

Severe Weather Hits Carnival Sunshine, Offers Yet Another Reason To Never Get On A Cruise Ship

There are a lot of reasons to never go on a cruise. First of all, all-inclusive resorts exist and can often be more affordable. But there’s also the risk of diseases such as norovirus and COVID-19 spreading, the fact that they cause a ridiculous amount of pollution and the whole thing that no one is actually forcing you to go. But let’s also not forget the damage that storms can do, which the passengers aboard the Carnival Sunshine, unfortunately, found out firsthand recently.

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CNN reports that the Carnival Sunshine was hit by a severe storm over Memorial Day weekend, and according to one passenger, it was an absolutely horrible experience.

“It was terrifying,” William B. Blackburn told CNN. “We stayed in our cabin, and prayed we’d be OK.” He also added that they made sure they knew where the life jackets were, although they also “discussed the fact that it would be very unlikely to survive in the water even with life jackets and doubted that lifeboats could even be launched in those conditions.”

Blackburn wasn’t the only passenger aboard the Carnival Sunshine that feared for their life. Bill Hassler told CNN, “[I’m] surprised I’m still alive” and said his fellow passengers were “white as ghosts” when they finally got off the ship. According to Hassler, at one point, a wave broke the window in his cabin, which let water in. And based on a video posted to Twitter, his cabin wasn’t the only one with water in it.


If you watch the video, it looks like pretty much the opposite of a relaxing family-friendly vacation. If there’s any good news to report, it’s that there haven’t been any reports of serious injuries or deaths. Just a ruined vacation for thousands of people who were understandably terrified they were about to die.

“When I got home Sunday night, I had to crack open a beer and think about it, and I started shaking because it just set in. I couldn’t even believe I’m still here,” Hassler told CNN.

Carnival has since released a statement on the incident, saying “Carnival Sunshine’s return to Charleston was impacted by the weather and rough seas on Saturday. The weather’s prolonged impact on the Charleston area delayed the ship’s arrival on Sunday and as a result, the next voyage’s embarkation was also delayed.”