These Are The "Official" Cars Of Where You Live

These Are The "Official" Cars Of Where You Live

Photo: Nissan

The type of vehicle someone drives says a lot about who they are, but it can also say a lot about where they’re from. If enough people in one area start getting the same type of car, it can create a little bit of a stereotype. That’s where the idea of an “official” car comes from, and it’s what sparked this question.

That’s why we wanted to know what the “official” car of where you’re from is. What vehicle represents the place you call home better than anything else? It also gives us a cool chance to see where around the globe y’all are from, which is always neat.

Anyway, as it turns out, most of you think Teslas, Subarus and pickup trucks best represent where you’re from. I need to know why that is. In comparison to other vehicles, Teslas and Subarus sell in pretty small numbers. Do they just stick out more since they’re more uncommon? Who knows. Answering with “pickup trucks” does make sense. If you’re from anywhere in the country with even a hint of rural-ness to it, you’re going to see a shit ton of pickups.

But don’t worry, we’ve got more than just those three categories of vehicles. So, why don’t we all sit back and check out the “official” cars of where our fellow Jalops are from.

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