I have insurance through my husbands job. We have medical and vision/dental are separate but with UMR. I’ve been trying to get my glasses for months now, but every time the optometrist sent the claim to UMR, they say I do not have vision, which I clearly do. I messaged our insurance rep and they confirmed we do, yet my optometrist is still insisting they tried and UMR is claiming I don’t have vision. I even asked them to call the UMR vision number. When I called that number the first time, the lady claimed I didn’t have insurance and I told her unless I’m stupid and misreading our docs and insurance card we do. Then she finally “found it” in their system. Anyway I went to another optometrist thinking the first one was just being difficult. Same issue with the second one. Now every time I call the vision line I’m placed on hold for 20+ min.

Btw, both optometrists are in network. I’m more worried about my glasses, i am so frustrated and dumbfounded. Are they just incompetent? Should I try another optometrist?

submitted by /u/Ok-Standard7937

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