Does COBRA coverage terminate immediately after joining new employer’s insurance or can it still be used until the end of the month?

Unfortunately, I'm in a medical situation where every 4 weeks I need an expensive biological infusion. This makes it extremely difficult to try and coordinate the timing behind starting with a new employer. Once I'm on the employer's new insurance I have to anticipate it taking anywhere from 2-3 weeks to go through the entire approval process (RX request, insurance approval, and transfer to pharmacy/infusion provider). Throw in an initial rejection and who knows how long or hectic it could get. It is my understanding that I cannot continue to use Cobra coverage once I have transferred over to the new employer sponsored insurance. However, I cannot find confirmation if this is starting with the next month or if it is effective immediately. If it does require an immediate termination (not just at the end of the month) then I would be forced to strategically time when I start on a new employer's insurance such that it's shortly after my last infusion on Cobra. This adds a lot of complexity when trying to coordinate start dates. Especially when you are trying to avoid discussing disabilities or any medical issues you may have. If I also were to delay signing up for the new employer's insurance, then I would have to wait until the next enrollment period (not a viable option). In conclusion, I am mostly wondering if my Cobra coverage is still valid until the end of the month once I join a new employer's insurance or does the Cobra coverage drop immediately? Any other recommendations people have regarding this situation is also appreciated.

submitted by /u/anabolicengineer

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