DKG launches behaviour-based insurance for motor fleets

DKG launches behaviour-based insurance for motor fleets

DKG Group (DKG) has launched a behaviour-based insurance offering for the motor fleet market. Fuse Fleet uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology and telematics in what is believed to be a first for the Australian market.

“Our mission is to transform the way fleet operators manage risk by rewarding safe driving with our digital insurance offering for safer fleets and lower premiums,” said Sydney-based Luke Kelly, DKG’s managing director, in a media release.

“Revolutionising” the motor fleet market?

DKG says the predictive capabilities of this technology mean it could “revolutionise” the Australian motor fleet market. Rather than linking premium amounts to driving history, the technology used by Fuse Fleet bases premiums on assessing a driver in action and judging how safe they are.

The firm expects to distribute their new offering through brokers, fleet management companies (FMOs), fleet operators and telematics partners.

“We can now provide fleets, FMO’s, brokers and telematics partners with deeper risk insights including crash probability,” said Simon Donovan (pictured above) to Insurance Business. “These insights benefit fleets through risk mitigation and accurate, transparent insurance premiums.”

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