Would getting married take away my children’s state health insurance?

My fiance and I have been together for 15 years. We have three lovely children, and I've always dreamed of getting married. We both have. But losing our medical insurance from the state is something we can not afford.

Our second child is disabled. He has several procedures a year, and sees a number of specialists. If we had our own insurance we would not be able to afford any of it. And he needs it.My fiance works full time, and I work part time, but even then it would be a huge struggle to afford a good insurance for the whole family.

So I guess my question is, if we got married, would our children lose their state health insurance? They need it. I can't risk them losing it, especially for our son. And he doesn't qualify for Social Security Insurance anymore. Apparently we make too much money, which honestly we do not. I'm willing to keep living the way we are, unmarried, if it means our kids get the help they need.

Thank you for any insight you can give. I appreciate it.

Edit to add that neither of our employers offer insurance.

submitted by /u/Momma_Kes

See also  Coverage