How to get better care for port device?

I apologize if this is not the right tag but my fiancé(Just gonna call them S) is currently struggling with getting port care that isn't causing allergic reactions and this is dealing with their provider and doctor and hospital claiming it is a liability to allow them to do a few things. We live in Indiana and utilize a deductible health plan.

The current way that S gets accessed is by leaving the needle in all week and just getting it replaced after the week has passed so S never has a period where they aren't accessed. This is partially in place due to S being told to not deaccess themselves and insurance limiting home health visits which are needed since S can't drive. S would benefit from not being accessed 24/7 though since the bio-patch that the home health agency uses and the insurance covers cause a mild allergic reaction of blistering wherever it is placed, aka over the port site.

I haven't been able to find any backing for this but S keeps getting denied the ability to be able to deaccess themselves when done infusing for the week even though it is causing blisters and I believe could lead to infection all because it is a liability. Is there something S and I can do to let S at least deaccess themselves or maybe get a new patch covered by insurance so the allergic reaction isn't constant? Thank you ahead of time to anybody who responds or upvotes.

submitted by /u/Traditional_Neat_837

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